N8S GuestBook

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Name G3CAQ Bill Moorwood
Still looking !

Name dave w4isi
Was glad to work you(I hope?) Nice signal contacted the last dx from
there but to no avail, Thought I had them but not. Hope it all goes well.
73 & GD DX

dave w4isi curve-smile

Name Kaz,EW4MM
any chance on qso 40m ssb arround 1700 z ,not wkd N8S in all period ...
73,Kaz EW4MM

Name Don KC8CY
The N8S group has to be one of the finest operations I have ever had the pleasure to work. Every operator acted as and was a real PRO. You guys have be proud of yourselfs.


Name Gerry - VE6PL
Best signals from DXpedition and very good operators. Tnx All.

Name K6LPO Dick
Any chance on a qso on 75 SSB around 1300Z tomorrow? It is the last one I need. Thanks - and keep up all the great work!!!

Name owen- k4ols
Great to work N8S today on 17. Good luck with the rest of the trip. 73's

Name Pat, W7UA
What a great bunch of operators. Great phone guys, and great cw ops. Hope you didn't have too much trouble. Was trying to pull you out on 10 phone, and cw. Finally got you on 10 cw 4/10/07. All of a sudden your signal jumped up out of the noise, and everyone jumped on the fequency and started working you. Had some in Wa. say they still couldn't hear you. Believe me, your signal was weak and watery for several days prior, but today turned out to be a well above the noise cw signal starting at about 6:15 P.M. PDT. Hope to work you on 10 SSB, that will be the new challenge. I am also trying to work you on 160 using a large tuner, and my 80 meter antenna, hope I don't blow it up. Ha. I have been lucky enough to work you on 10 thru 80 both modes, and even on a couple of the warc bands. So, no complaints. Will work you from 5W also. Have fun, and come home safe. 73, Pat, W7UA, ex WA7NIN

Name Oscar HK6DOS
Congratulations to all for great Dxpedition and thanks for the new one for my DXCC HR ( 340 / phone )
73, good luck.
Oscar biggrin

Name Paul, W1PR
TNX for a superb operation. I was surprised to hear you so well on 10 and 12 meters. You have handled the pile-ups beautifully. Please have a safe trip home. VY 73 and good DX de Paul, W1PR

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